1.12 Wrapping Up Module 1
Congratulations on completing Module 1. 🎉
In this module, we attempted to provide an introduction and overview of the impact of Artificial Intelligence on vocational education and training. This includes the changing world of work and how future employment, and occupational profiles may change as AI is increasingly integrated into work processes. It also includes how AI is being used for teaching and learning, even if existing applications are largely reliant on pilots and projects.
Module 1 also introduced the new skills and competences that will be needed particularly for working with AI, be this in industry and services or in teaching and learning. This raises the question of how these skills can be obtained and the need for curriculum updating in education and training.
Finally, we had a first look at some pressing ethical questions around the development of AI, including issues of bias and surveillance, amongst others.
All these issues are explored in more depth in the following modules.
The next module, Module 2 looks in detail at the changing world of work, asking to what extent future jobs are threatened by AI and automation and which jobs in particular. It looks at requirements for new skills and knowledge arising from AI and poses the question of how humans and AI can work together?
You may choose to go straight on to Module 2. But if something else in the introduction has sparked your interest, feel free to jump straight to it. You can work through this course in any way you choose. And please give as much feedback in the comments as possible about your ideas, fears and hope about the introduction of AI. One of the key issues is that vocational education and training professionals are informed about the implications of AI and the community as a whole is involved and consulted about its use. It is hoped that this course forms part of that process. 😎🦾